001. A New Beginning

11 augustus 2021


It's been a while. I'm currently on the verge of starting a new project. All my friends are moving out, quite a good chunk is going abroad too. I've been in a new spot for two months. It's been really nice - I've met people I would never have met otherwise, I've started appreciating cooking more, I've gone bouldering multiple times.

I notice my muscles and strength have improved a bit. My social interactions have been better. I notice that other people mainly are very caring and giving. I'm not sure I can say that about myself, maybe I shouldn't be the one to say that. Anyway.

A couple of ideas started circling in my head. One that I found interesting was that the Bible might just be a- Wait let me backpaddle a bit. I noticed this connection between Pam and the Devil depicted by christianity. I suddenly put them together last week. What if christianity just wants us to deny our wild, chaotic nature? I also read, eh, what's he called... Let me look it up.

Ah, the songs of Bitilis. So this basically emphasizes, or at least, well - it tries to paint a picture of pagan love. Again, Pam is often depicted here. So, thought no. 1 of today, what if christianity is not at all an external text, but completely symbolic. Not just the allegories, but everything close to a map of the mind. Who knows how people two thousand years ago interpreted mystical texts.

Allright, that's something. Now for thought no. 2.

Perhaps I'd like to start a deep listening bar. Or something related to sharing good music with people. I notice I'm doing that quite a lot already. Researching a lot myself, and then sending stuff out to people if I think they'll like it. Maybe I can start a little subscribtion-esque thing with this. Have cool fonts, send out a zine or something. Maybe a club even. This could be cool. What do you think?

I like this idea.

If you're wondering, I'm currently listening to Bleached by Kirk Barley. Here's a link: https://open.spotify.com/track/0YTMogtjK17oYM84rtgZ6j?si=ae016e94e5eb44c2

Greetings from The Place You Came From, P.M.